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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Text-lationships and revealing your true self

In the most recent generation of young adults, we are seeing so many new terms and made up words for our technology driven lives. From Tinder dates, to sexting, to twerking....well how about text-lationships? Sounds a bit crazy, but it's the newest term being used. And I'm about to give you all the inside scoop.

Have you ever found yourself wanting to be in a relationship, so you go on Tinder or meet someone in person, and then how does it begin 99% of the time? With sending each other a multitude of texts daily until you meet up for the first date. Recently I spoke to a friend who met this seemingly great guy. She said they met on tinder, texted for about two weeks (making sure he wasn't some creep), then decided to meet up for the first time. She was so excited, and she couldn't wait to meet him, after all, they talked daily and exchanged goodmorning texts to goodnight texts. It seemed great! Until they met in person. They had nothing to talk about on their first date. She said it was so awkward. They never saw each other again, and the multitude of texts, suddenly stopped altogether. 

You see, I think a lot of us get so caught up hiding behind our phones, in every aspect, that we forget how to be humans, literally and physically. And in these cases, we develop a text-lationship with someone, feeling more comfortable behind the phone than in person. I would describe a text-lationship as a relationship between two people, and the only form of contact or communication is texting. You don't see that person, you don't talk on the phone, just text. It's really both as simple and lame as that. 

This generation of young adults is so technology driven that we are forgetting who we are, and how to interact. When did we become so comfortable with the idea of hiding behind a cell phone. When did it become okay of us to become a whole other person because we don't need to meet in person. I mean, wake up people! I see this newest trend happening more and more. And it really shouldn't be. 

We've all been subject to this in one form of another. Even if it's innocently texting just get to know the person before meeting up. My advice:
  1. Hold off on the texting, no cute texts such as goodmorning or goodnight, until after you meet.
  2. If you want to get to know the person, pick up the phone. Keep the primary conversations short, until after you meet in person. Trust me when I say, it will help your relationship in the long run.
  3. And most guys like a woman who plays hard to get, not too much, just a little. If they do text you, wait like 10 minutes to text them back, don't respond right away every time.
These aren't rules, just advice. I don't believe in rules when it comes to dating and relationships. These are just a few ways to get a relationship started off the right way and how to avoid a text-lationship.

In the generation of Instagram celebrities, it's so easy to jump on the bandwagon. A lot of people make up this alternate persona, appealing to the Instagram audience, only to boost their popularity with people they don't even know. Saddest part? We're nothing like our Instagram profiles. We usually appear skinnier, smarter, and are amateur photographers. We seemingly live a very awesome life, when in reality, most of these people hate their jobs, are overwhelmed with their kids, and some are not happy in their romantic relationships. But as always, their Instagram profile says otherwise.

With all these new and quirky terms, technology is taking over our lives, but don't let it. You want to be in a real relationship and represent your true self? Then leave behind the social media, the rules, and the technology. You tell me if you see a change in your relationships and/or dating...because the chances are good that you will.

Writer's note: This video I included below, from Youtube, is a perfect example of everything I mentioned in this Blog/Article. PLease take the time to share this video and my blog. Thank you

Instagram: @jovi_casie


Jovi Casie said...
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Unknown said...

I think its truth from beginning to end. It goes the same as with your other post about people so captured in their phones and aren't social in person. .. People make their identity on Facebook and Instagram and they can try and be anyone they want on their. models, artists, photographers, etc... They base their followers & likes on who they are and their popularity. A lot of people base their relationships (friendships and so on) by how much they communicate via texts or Fb/instagram when its not like that. Letting go of that phone and hanging out.. or meeting people around us instead of through the web. Being true to who we are instead of making a persona on some profile, that is a step to loving and accepting ourselves.

Jovi Casie said...

Thank you Maritza!! I couldn't agree with you more!! :-)

Jocelyn M said...

Very nice said!! Loved it!
It's sad to see so many people missing out on the simplest yet, the most important things in life. Kids these days don't even go out and play with other kids, instead they are just stuck at home playing video games. This generation has lost its essence, we are becoming robots as we continue to drown ourselves in technology.

...You nailed it ;)

Jovi Casie said...

Thank u Jocelyn!! Yes, I agree. This generation has lost it's essence. I sometimes wonder what the future will be like in 50 years. I can only imagine..

Thanks again! :-)